• IronHike Endurance Events

    First-timers, day-hikers, long-distance hikers, trail-runners, ordinary or elite, young and old all on the same mountain.

  • Trail Buddy FlexRelay Clingmans Dome - 15 Miles | 7,140' | 12-Hour | Team of 2

    7,140 Feet Elevation Gain and Loss!

    No flat areas all up and all down.

    12 Laps on Mohawk Mountain Trail.

    12-hour event.


    IronHike Endurance Series

    Mohawk Mountain Ski Area, Cornwall, CT 06753 US

    Event Date: Saturday June 1, 2024

    Start Time: 10:00am EDT

    End Time: 10:00pm EDT


    Highest Summit on The Appalachian Trail

    Significance: Do this all in one really hard day! Perfect if you only have the time for one day. Trek all day with your new tribe, and have a great dinner on the way home with your achievement and finisher medal close to your heart!

    Participation: Individual Mountain Athletes, Trail Buddy, and Trail Teams.

    Description: You may have to trek past sunset to get up and down the mountain until you reach the elevation gain (and loss) equivalent to the highest mountain in the Great Smoky Mountains on the Appalachian Trail in NC / TN USA.

    Type: Power-hike | Trail Run | Endurance Challenge | Ski Slope Loop.



    Here at IronHike, we use a "FlexRelay" format for each of our events.

    We call them "FlexRelays" because they are totally flexible. Each team member, whether in the Trail Buddy or Trail Team event, has no minimum or maximum laps, mileage, elevation, or time on the course. Teams manage who is on the mountain for how long and when according to conditions, fitness levels the needs of the team.

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